
Stuttgart (dpa / lsw) - The Greens in Baden-Württemberg have asked the federal government to provide targeted Corona aid for the owners of smaller businesses.

In the mid-February decision to increase the restart aid for self-employed people, small traders fell through the grid, said Green Party parliamentary group leader Andreas Schwarz of the German press agency in Stuttgart.

"Improvements are necessary here."

He calls on Federal Economics Minister Peter Altmaier (CDU) to anchor the fictitious entrepreneur's wages in the hardship fund he has announced in such a way that it is also received by the owners of smaller businesses.

It could not be "that these traditional entrepreneurs who contribute to liveable inner cities, have to close their shops once and for all and pull a number at the employment office just because the state does not accept them," said the chairman of the large coalition faction in the southwest.

With the federal re-start aid, self-employed soloists and creative artists receive a grant of up to 7500 euros for six months.

In Baden-Württemberg, this fictitious entrepreneur's wage of up to 1180 euros per month had already existed earlier in the Corona crisis, so that self-employed individuals and smaller entrepreneurs do not have to apply for Hartz IV.

Aid from the federal government has replaced it, albeit with different criteria in some cases.


The new hardship fund of the Federal Ministry of Economics is now intended to help those companies that do not exactly meet the previous conditions or where special conditions in certain industries are not recorded.

Green parliamentary group leader Schwarz sees boutiques, shoe stores and household goods stores next door particularly affected.

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