
Schwerin (dpa / mv) - Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania's Prime Minister Manuela Schwesig (SPD) renewed her call for an exit scenario from lockdown before the federal-state summit on Wednesday and called for a revision of the traffic light system for easing.

«We urgently need a perspective plan for all of Germany.

We have to tell people what steps we want to take, ”said Schwesig of the German press agency in Schwerin.

When deciding to relax the currently tough corona protective measures, the seven-day incidence of new infections should not be the benchmark alone.

“We have to look more closely at how the burden on hospitals is, like the level of vaccinations.

And we have to make progress with testing, ”said the SPD politician.

If self-tests were to be used across the board, for example in daycare centers, schools and also economic areas, more openings would be possible.

Schwesig did not say whether the incidence value of 35 infections per 100,000 inhabitants, which was last set for relaxation, could then be increased again within a week.

In the country and nationwide, it is currently over 60, with the number of infections recently rising again.

With an incidence value of 50, regions or countries slip into the red and are considered risk areas in which additional protective measures must be taken.


Schwesig spoke out in favor of gradually allowing the retail outlets, which had been closed for months, to reopen.

«A fortnight ago I suggested to the economy to see whether we could make it possible to make appointments in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania.

That would help very small businesses in particular, ”said Schwesig.

Such a model could also be used nationwide.

She wants to campaign for this at the federal-state conference.

But in view of the spread of more contagious virus variants, she also urged caution and encouraged patience, for example when opening restaurants and hotels.

Against the background of very different infection developments, Schwesig voted for regionally adapted opening steps.

“As part of a nationwide perspective plan, it must be possible to move forward regionally.

If a country is developing well but one county has bad numbers, then you have to be ready to move forward in the other regions as well.

We already do that at daycare centers and schools, ”said Schwesig.

Unlike other federal states, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania decided not to close daycare centers and schools entirely during the lockdown.

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