
Kassel (dpa) - SC Magdeburg has scored another victory in the handball Bundesliga and is currently in second place in the table.

At MT Melsungen it was 27:24 (13:12) on Sunday afternoon.

Magdeburg's best thrower was once again Omar Magnusson (8/4), Timo Kastening (6/1) was the most successful for Melsungen.

Magdeburg made slight mistakes at the beginning and had to run after a deficit (3: 5/9.).

With better concentration, a 6: 1 run succeeded and the SCM led with three goals (9: 6/17.).

The SCM defended this lead almost into the break, but received the connection goal due to a lack of concentration in the attack.

After the break, the game became hectic and error-prone, the SCM regained its lead (16: 13/36.).

Melsungen made the connection, the SCM increased to three goals - this was repeated several times in the game.

Only shortly before the end, the SCM had four goals (26: 22/56.) And decided the game.


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