
Kiel (dpa / lno) - The Association of North German Housing Companies (VNW) has called for priority in the construction of apartment buildings in Schleswig-Holstein.

"In Kiel, Lübeck, Flensburg or Neumünster and in the particularly popular coastal regions, I advocate severely restricting the construction of new single-family houses," said association director Andreas Breitner on Sunday.

"It would be absurd to use the already scarce space in the centers so inefficiently."

Ultimately, the municipalities decided on building law, said Breitner.

"The mayors have the power to set the course for more resource and space-saving living."

First and foremost, the particularly popular larger cities are called upon.

More and more single-family houses contradict the model of a social city.

"The problem is not just that a single family home uses an above-average amount of space."

The secondary costs for roads and lines are at least as problematic.

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