To compensate for the cancellation of the Salon de l'Agriculture due to the sanitary situation, 200 farms across France are welcoming visitors this weekend, at the initiative of the Confédération paysanne, visitors to raise their awareness of the professions of the agricultural world and discuss the food transition.


It was to start this Saturday but, Covid-19 requires, there will be no Agricultural Show this year.

The farmers of the Confédération paysanne therefore invite the French to come and see them this weekend, directly on their farms.

A "farm show" to share their vision of production with the farmers of the region.

Almost everywhere in France, breeders, grain farmers and market gardeners are preparing to receive visitors.

"It's not complicated: since we can't go to Paris, people have to have a fair on our farms!", Summarizes with Europe 1 Sylvie Colas, poultry producer near Lectoure in the Gers, and spokesperson for the Confédération paysanne.

It intends to show its visitors its conception of breeding and agriculture.

"People have to understand the reality of our profession, the reality of our productions and the fact that we are at a crossroads. Now we have to change the system. We can see that we have gone too far in the process. industrialization, and that is why we invite people to take a breath of fresh air in our countryside, and to defend peasant agriculture ".

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200 farms accessible to the public

At the other end of the department, Thomas Carlier gathers these 150 sheep, helped by Toundra, his patou dog.

He is happy to share his passion with his clients: "It's a duty. We are there to feed people, and to feed them in a certain way. Our project is not to ensure that everything everyone can have leg of lamb every lunchtime, but rather produce quality meat which may be rarer on the plates, but much better, "he argues.

Thomas Carlier is a sheep breeder in the Gers.

@Benjamin Peter for Europe 1

In all, 200 farms will be open this weekend in France (the list can be found here), including twelve in the Gers department.