
Mannheim (dpa / lsw) - CDU top candidate and Minister of Education, Susanne Eisenmann, wants to reopen secondary schools in the southwest, despite the corona numbers rising again.

«For the schools, we should trust ourselves to take the next steps from March 8th.

In elementary schools, but also in secondary schools, ”Eisenmann told the“ Mannheimer Morgen ”(Saturday).

A comprehensive test strategy also enables gradual openings with a reduced number of students in the school building.

In primary schools, too, with the help of rapid tests, "as soon as possible" there should be classroom teaching again, explained the minister.

Since last Monday, face-to-face and distance learning has been possible again in the primary schools.

Eisenmann also said: "We also want to start in secondary schools with alternating lessons."

Here, too, the students and their parents wanted a perspective.

"Nothing is as good as classroom teaching."

Eisenmann referred to the next federal-state round on corona policy on Wednesday.

"If contact restrictions are relaxed, new options for action arise."

The lockdown was necessary.

«I stand by that.

But it is clear that we can now gradually open up with the stable values ​​and the new test options.

With conditions, of course. "

The CDU politician added: “But you have to proceed carefully and carefully.

It would be a total disaster if we had to open now and close again in a few weeks.

Even those who drive on sight drive. "


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