
Passau (dpa / lby) - The residents of the nursing homes in the Deggendorf district are virus-free after their corona vaccinations, although there are still verifiably infected nurses.

The district council president Christian Bernreiter said of the “Passauer Neue Presse” (Saturday).

"Since the end of January all of our residents' homes in the Deggendorf district have been virus-free."

With the staff, however, things look different: the willingness to be vaccinated against the corona virus is not particularly great among employees in nursing homes.

"Most recently, we had series tests in three homes in the Deggendorf district because of cases with staff - and none of the three homes tested positive."

Bernreiter attributed the negative corona tests among the residents to the vaccinations.

These had an effect.

In the conversation, Bernreiter reported on a case in which a nurse was infected with the South African mutant.

"She was in almost every room, and yet no other case has occurred," said the district council president.


Bernreiter also initiated a discussion as to whether and for how long the obligation for mouth and nose protection and the obligation to test for nursing home visitors may be maintained in the future.

«If all residents of the home are protected, do I still have to make mask compulsory and prescribe tests for visitors?

If there is enough scientific evidence, these measures will be lifted. "

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