One of the most senior Egyptians, their talents, honorable people, and their greats in the last two centuries passed away .. This is how the journalist Anwar Al-Hawari, the late thinker and legal jurist, Tariq Al-Bishri, who passed away on Friday at the age of 88 years old, left a great credit and a good reputation.

As for the writer Fahmi Howeidi, he described him as "he was courageous and only heard the voice of his conscience, which he employed to serve the truth and justice."

Al-Bishri was born in Cairo in 1933, and grew up in a family of knowledge, justice and literature, where his grandfather was the sheikh of the Malikis in Egypt, and his father Abdel Fattah Al-Bishri assumed the presidency of the Court of Appeal, and his uncle Abdul Aziz Al-Bishri was a well-known writer.

He worked in the field of the judiciary until he became president of the General Assembly of the Fatwa and Legislation Departments of the State Council, which represents the top of the administrative judiciary hierarchy in Egypt, then became Vice President of the State Council.

And he became one of the symbols of Islamic thought through a series of articles published under the title The Journey of Renewal in Islamic Law. He also wrote his name among the most prominent historians of contemporary Egypt through a series of books, including: The Political Movement in Egypt 1945-1952, Democracy and the July 23 System, Muslims and Copts within the National Community , Between Islam and Arabism, Egypt between disobedience and disintegration.

"Oh God, this is my oath in what I have, so do not take me to an oath of what I do not possess, which is distracted from his sight, or neglected by the mind." .. A message deposited by the late great thinker on the world of counselor # Tariq_ Al-Bashri

- Al Jazeera Egypt (@AJA_Egypt) February 26, 2021

Amid the torrent of mourning and praise for the late deceased, Al-Hawari told the story of an article by Al-Bashri published by Al-Wafd newspaper about 5 years before the end of Mubarak's rule, describing it as a heavy caliber that undermines what remained of the bases of the Mubarak regime from its roots.

Academic and thinker Muhammad Salim Al-Awa praised the late deceased, describing him as "a just judge, an honest thinker, a true witness to the history of the nation in its modern era, and an honest advisor in every situation in which the minds of men are lost."

Khaled, son of the late thinker Muhammad Emara, described him as a scientist and a man of law and thought, and that he was one of his father's closest friends, may God have mercy on him.

As for the academic, sociologist and economist Nader Ferjani, he said about the late deceased that he is "a sublime stature that is rarely found in time with a counterpart in thought in general, and in law and history in particular, and the Arabic language, a deep encyclopedic without come as an intellectual." He described him as "the pious, devout, sincere and friendly friend. Extremely gentle, supremely gentle as a human being. "

As for the Islamic researcher, Issam Telimah described him as one of the leading symbols of the nation at the intellectual, political, legal and religious levels, before adding, "Words fail to describe him and describe his value."

Academician Mustafa Kamel Al-Sayed chose in his obituary to Al-Bashri to point out that “the arrangement of laws during the Mubarak era prevented him as the oldest deputies of the President of the State Council from assuming the presidency of the Council,” adding that the history of the administrative judiciary testifies to his courage in the fatwas and rulings he issued, including his ruling that the head of state cannot refer Certain crimes to military justice.

He also focused on what was known about the late deceased in welcoming dialogue with those who disagreed with him, stressing that he was a good example and an indispensable source for understanding many aspects of Egypt's history in the twentieth century and the development of law and the judiciary.

Political science professor Hassan Nafaa described him as a "great maqam."

Regarding the human thinker, the legal jurist and former minister Muhammad Mahsoub said that he was "a judge who carried the concerns of his homeland and a thinker and inspirer for generations."

May God have mercy on the father, teacher and friend, Counselor, Tariq Al-Bishri, a judge who carried the concerns of his homeland, a thinker and an inspirer for generations, and

sincere condolences for his homeland, his love, his generous family and his loved ones, and for everyone who met him, learned from him, or read about him and knew his precious value and high status, so he realized the extent of our affliction.

- Mohamed MAHSOOB (@MohammedMAHSOOB) February 26, 2021

God’s will wanted him to leave us in these difficult days, a great man, who is the consultant and historian Tariq Al-Bishri.

We ask God to provide him with the mercy of his mercy, to inspire his family, his friends and loved ones, patience and solace, and to compensate the homeland for this heavy loss.

- Hassan Nafaa (@hassanafaa) February 26, 2021

# Painful news and a sad day



to God and to Him we shall return.

Egypt and the Arab and Islamic nations today lost one of its most sincere sons, most important thinkers and historians, Counselor # Tariq Al-Bushra, after a conflict with Corona.

Our prayers to him for mercy and forgiveness, and there is no strength or power except with God.

- Ayman Nour (@AymanNour) February 26, 2021

My sincere condolences to the Arab and Islamic nation, which today lost Counselor # Tariq_Bashri, who is considered one of its most important intellectual and political stints in seventy years..and who I am still proud to address to discuss my doctoral thesis at a time when many hesitated for fear of the oppression of the university administration and the attempts that hindered it for several years ,,

- Dr.

Tareq Al-Zomor (@drtarekelzomor) February 26, 2021

This is the irreparable loss, and this is the heavy loss.

Today, Egypt has lost one of its most important historians and one of the most established in documentation and narration in the modern era, and one that is hardly good in time with his ideals, knowledge and creation, he is the judge of justice, the great thinker and historian Counselor Tariq Al-Bishri.

May God have mercy on him, and I will dwell in peace.

- Taqadum Al-Khatib (@taqadum) February 26, 2021

The memorial of the late consultant and thinker was not limited to the Egyptians, but many prominent Arab personalities participated in the man’s mourning and praise for his personal qualities and scientific production.

At a crucial time in 2013

, Counselor Tariq Al-Bishri came

to participate in the Doha Forum and

I met him at length

when he speaks that imposes silence on you because of his unique legal and political knowledge and experience with an attractive ability in narration.

I remember all the details and I may be able to publish one day

our prayers for him with mercy and

condolences to the generous land of treasure pic

- Hamad Al-Kawari (@ alkawari4unesco) February 27, 2021

The death of Counselor Tariq Al-Bishri.

A wonderful man we knew with his writings, and through great loved ones such as Sheikh Muhammad Al-Ghazali and Dr.

Muhammad Emara, may God have mercy on her, and friend Fahmi Howeidi.

A wonderful thinker, and a clear compass in serving the nation's causes.

How many adults we have lost in the last two years, but she is a mother and child.

To God’s mercy, O noble man.

- Yasser Zaatreh (@YZaatreh) February 26, 2021

May God have mercy on the scholar # Tariq_Bashri, I was not honored to meet him, but I drew from his knowledge through his valuable books.

He combined legal knowledge with the legal position, so he had a conscience at a time when the people of conscience were proud, and the broad-seller was a believer in the Islamic authority and was able to reconcile between the rights of the majorities and the rights of minorities without humiliation or abuse

- Muhammad Al-Mukhtar Al-Shanqeeti (@mshinqiti) February 27, 2021

The great Egyptian historian and legal jurist, Counselor, Professor Tariq Al-Bishri, died today in Cairo, at the age of 88, of the Corona virus.

He was among the great figures in thought, science and creation.

May the God have mercy on him and placed him into his havens.

- Abdulaziz Altwaijri (@AOAltwaijri) February 26, 2021


Moncef Al-Marzouki: We hope that our scholars will be honored during their lives and not after their death .. # Tariq_Bashri was one of the treasures that we did not honor during his life

- Al Jazeera Mubasher (@ajmubasher) February 26, 2021