
Val di Fassa (dpa) - Less than two weeks after her silver coup at the World Cup, ski racer Kira Weidle just missed the podium in the World Cup.

The Starnberg woman came fourth in the downhill from Val di Fassa.

The Swiss Lara Gut-Behrami took the victory in Italy ahead of her compatriot and world champion Corinne Suter.

For Weidle, fourth meant the best result this World Cup winter.

Before that, she had finished fifth on downhill twice.

At the World Cup in Cortina d'Ampezzo, the 25-year-old sensationally celebrated silver and the greatest success of her career.


Gut-Behrami was once again unbeatable after her two World Cup gold medals and took the lead in the overall World Cup.

Before the second downhill in Val di Fassa on Saturday and the Super-G on Sunday (11 a.m. each time), the Swiss took over from the previously leading Petra Vlhova from Slovakia.

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