
Hamm / Dinslaken (dpa / lnw) - The police stopped two illegal car races in Hamm and Dinslaken.

In Hamm, Westphalia, a 20-year-old and a 22-year-old competed with their vehicles.

At a traffic light they drove to green on Thursday evening with screeching tires and gave full throttle, the police said.

Patrol cars took up the chase and were able to stop the speeders shortly afterwards.

The driver's licenses were collected and criminal proceedings were initiated.

Two 18-year-olds also competed in a race with daring overtaking maneuvers in downtown Dinslaken.

According to the officials, they raced through the streets at at least 110 kilometers per hour.

Several patrol cars eventually managed to stop the two cars.

Here, too, the driver's licenses were secured, the speeders awaiting criminal proceedings.

© dpa-infocom, dpa: 210226-99-602530 / 2


Notification of the Wesel police

Notification of the Hamm police