
Offenbach / Essen (dpa / lnw) - The ending winter 2020/21 in North Rhine-Westphalia was significantly warmer than the long-term average.

The average temperature in December, January and February was just under 3.3 degrees, as the German Weather Service (DWD) reported on Friday in its preliminary winter balance.

The state was 1.6 degrees above the average for the reference period (1.7 degrees).

After Saarland, NRW was the second warmest federal state in winter 2020/21.

Nationwide, the average temperature of 1.8 degrees was also 1.6 degrees above the long-term average of the international reference period 1961 to 1990. In Germany, the winter was too warm for the tenth time in a row.

Around 220 liters of precipitation per square meter were measured in NRW.

NRW was thus in the long-term average (223 liters) and was one of the areas with high rainfall in Germany.

Most of the precipitation was measured in Saarland with 315 liters.


The sun showed itself in NRW for almost 160 hours and thus longer than the long-term average (151 hours).

The most sunny federal state was Bavaria with a good 200 hours (171 hours).

The German Weather Service recalled the heavy snowfall at the beginning of the second week of February in the north and east of North Rhine-Westphalia.

At that time, for example, 43 centimeters fell in Bielefeld-Deppendorf.

The lowest temperature of this winter was also measured that week: minus 22.9 degrees in Lippstadt.

It was warmest last Wednesday with 20.9 degrees at Cologne-Bonn Airport.

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German weather service for winter 2020/21

Michael Theusner's weather page with DWD data