A majority of the regions' vaccine representatives believe that increased national support would make vaccination work more efficient.

This is reported by Swedish Radio Ekot, which has spoken with representatives, such as vaccine coordinators and infection control doctors, from all regions of the country.

- It creates quite a lot of extra work in general because we are 21 regions that in many ways have to do the same thing, says Karl-Johan Lindner, operations manager for the unit for healthcare pharmacy in the Västmanland region, to the radio.

Among other things, logistics problems are mentioned, which several regions have struggled with without knowing each other's solutions.

But the issue of national coordination is sensitive.

- There is a lot of politics in this, says a representative to the radio who wishes to remain anonymous.

- There are many who have invented the wheel, says another.

Erik Sköldberg, chief physician at the regional office in Uppsala, demands a clear national assignment.

- But we have no such function in the country, to control and lead an entire healthcare system in crisis, he says to Ekot.