
Osnabrück (dpa / lni) - The district of Osnabrück is expanding its range of free corona rapid tests.

Five locations are to be added to the five that have already been in operation since February 20, as a district spokesman announced on Friday.

From Saturday or Monday, people who live or work in the district can have themselves tested at the new locations.

The city of Osnabrück has been offering free rapid corona antigen tests since February 15.

According to the Lower Saxony Association of Towns and Municipalities (NSGB), there were no other towns or districts in Lower Saxony that offered free tests on the same scale as Osnabrück.

Neither the NSGB nor the Ministry of Health knew whether more had been added in the meantime.

The offer in the Osnabrück district is aimed at citizens who have a lot of professional or voluntary contact with other people and are therefore exposed to a high risk of infection, the message said.

The target group includes employees in day-care centers, markets and shops, but also schoolchildren in face-to-face classes.

Interested parties can be tested once a week.

© dpa-infocom, dpa: 210226-99-605647 / 2


PM with locations and opening times