
Stuttgart (dpa / lsw) - The SPD health expert Karl Lauterbach considers Baden-Württemberg's plans to loosen the corona lockdown with the help of rapid tests as risky.

You are still in a difficult situation because half of the people over the age of 80 have not yet been vaccinated, Lauterbach told the SWR.

“Even the important risk groups between 65 and 80 are still unprotected.

So loosening up now is very dangerous. "

The third wave of infections has begun.

“Loosening into such a wave is dangerous.

And I don't think you can only get this under control with quick tests. "

He also feared a high error rate in the self-tests.

In an impulse paper for the federal-state consultations on Wednesday, the State Ministry proposed by Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann (Greens) that areas in which the risk of infection is manageable should be gradually opened up with the help of rapid tests.

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