
Potsdam (dpa / bb) - In Brandenburg, the first 17,000 letters with invitations for corona vaccinations were sent to people over 85 years old.

The Ministry of Health announced on Friday that the next 35,000 letters will follow in the coming week.

Those who have been contacted can use a special number to arrange a vaccination appointment at one of the test centers.

Data from the registration offices are used for the letters.

The vaccinations are planned from March 8th.

Health Minister Ursula Nonnemacher (Greens) said she was pleased that enough mRNA vaccines were available again to be able to offer people over 80 who are particularly at risk a personal vaccination offer.

In order to avoid unnecessary waiting times on the phone, not everyone received a letter at the same time, but the citizens were written to gradually.

Peter Noack, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Brandenburg Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (KVBB), said: "Please understand if there are waiting times due to the high level of willingness to vaccinate."

According to the federal coronavirus vaccination ordinance, all persons who have reached the age of 80 belong to priority level 1.


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Brandenburg vaccinates