
Offenbach / Dresden (dpa / sn) - The winter of 2020/21 was too warm in Saxony, according to the German Weather Service (DWD).

With an average temperature of around 0.8 degrees, the Free State was well above the long-term average of -0.4 degrees.

This emerges from the preliminary balance sheet for the months of December, January and February of the DWD.

According to the DWD, this comparative value, calculated from the internationally valid reference period 1961 to 1990, enables an assessment of long-term climate change.

With 195 hours of sunshine, Saxony was also well above the reference value of 161 hours this winter.

The meteorologists calculated too little precipitation for the winter.

Around 140 liters per square meter fell - that's 12 liters less than the target value.

For the tenth time in a row, the meteorologists recorded a too warm winter nationwide.

Accordingly, the average temperature was 1.8 degrees and thus 1.6 degrees above the target value.


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German weather service for winter 2020/21