• Reopening of cinemas and theaters from March 27 in the yellow zone


February 26, 2021 Starting from March 27, 2021, the shows open to the public in theatrical halls, concert halls, cinemas and in other spaces, including outdoors, are carried out with pre-assigned and spaced seats and provided that compliance with the interpersonal distance of at least one meter for both staff and spectators who are not usually cohabiting.

This is what a draft of the new Dpcm foresees.

School, CTS asked for an opinion on variants

In the draft of the Dpcm sent to the Regions, the government confirms the opening of high schools up to a minimum of 50% in attendance, up to a maximum of 75%.

But government sources

they point out to Adnkronos that the question is actually still open, so much so that a technical opinion was requested from the CTS to assess the impact of the variants on the school system.

Bars and restaurants are closed after 18

". The activities of the catering services (including bars, pubs, restaurants, ice cream parlors, pastry shops) are allowed from 5.00 to 18.00. Consumption at the table is allowed for a maximum of four people per table, unless they are all living together. After 6.00 pm it is forbidden to consume food and drinks in public places and open to the public. Catering in hotels and other accommodation facilities is allowed without time limits, limited to their customers, who are housed there ".

This is what we read in the draft viewed by LaPresse, regarding the contagion containment measures that apply in the yellow area.

Red area, closed barbers and hairdressers Barbers and hairdressers

close in red areas.

It is one of the few innovations contained in the draft of the new Dpcm.

"Activities relating to personal services are suspended, other than those identified in annex 24", but it is reported in brackets that from "annex 24 the services of barber and hairdressing salons are eliminated".

Stop fairs and discos even in the white zone

Fairs, congresses and discos remain closed even in the white zone.

This is what the draft sent to the Regions provides.

"Events that involve gatherings in closed or open spaces, including trade fairs and congresses as well as activities that take place in ballrooms and discos and similar venues, outdoors or indoors, remain suspended - reads the draft - ".

The measures in force also at Easter

The measures that will come into force starting from 6 March will also be valid at Easter.

"The provisions of this decree - the text reads - apply from the date of March 6, 2021, replacing those of the decree of the President of the Council of Ministers January 14, 2021, and are effective until April 6, 2021", the day after Easter Monday.