
Dresden (dpa / sn) - After a find of around 340 grams of marijuana, 5 grams of cocaine mixture, 16 LSD trips, a loaded live pistol and a blank gun, an arrest warrant against a suspected drug dealer has been issued.

The 28-year-old was in custody, as the Dresden public prosecutor announced on Friday.

The man is suspected of having regularly bought marijuana in the Netherlands and resold it in Dresden and the surrounding area.

In this way he is said to have earned around 2000 euros a month in profit.

According to the public prosecutor's office, customs officials and police officers had investigated the man for several months, who did not have a gun license for his pistol.

He is being investigated against, among other things, suspected armed trafficking with narcotics in no small amount.

On Thursday, after 1.6 kilograms of marijuana and 240 grams of crystal had been found, an arrest warrant was issued against a 42-year-old suspected drug dealer in Sebnitz (Saxon Switzerland-Eastern Ore Mountains district).


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Public prosecutor's press releases