Two hours of news with all the editorial staff of Europe 1 around Thierry Dagiral.

Guests but also current affairs debates, in particular at 6.30 p.m. with the Great Voices of Europe 1 and at 7.15 p.m. around Thierry Dagiral and a guest.



 Alexandre Lacroix

, writer, editor of Philosophy magazine and president and co-founder of a writing school “les mots”.


Thomas Louis

, journalist, podcaster.

He will publish his first novel the faience dogs at the start of the literary school year in August 2021 at La Martinière editions.


Bernard Werber

, writer, author “La Planète des Chats” (editions albin Michel, September 2020) and master of writing at the master class the artist academy).


Pierre Nozières

biographer, founder of the network companions biographers + scribes of memory international network, author of “dare your book” (editions plume).