
Rostock (dpa / mv) - The youth hostels in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania are worried about the year 2021. "The DJH regional association is again facing a wave of cancellations of trips that have already been booked or rebooked from the previous year, especially from the school and youth group segment", said association spokeswoman Miriam Gedrose on Thursday.

In addition, there is the expected lower number of new bookings.

Because of the long-term nature with which schools and youth groups book, it is hardly to be expected that new bookings will be added in the course of the year.

The situation is threatening, stressed Gedrose.

It is gratifying that the regional association of the German Youth Hostel Association (DJH) made it through 2020 at all.

"In contrast to 2020, we are now starting with a high deficit."

The travel bans for school classes and youth groups are decisive for the existential problems.

This clientele makes up around 60 percent of the guests in “ordinary years”.

There are currently 14 hostels in the DJH regional association, seven of which were open during the high season last year.

The bookings of the other houses were diverted to the open facilities.

From July to October these would therefore have reached 55 percent utilization.

Overall, however, the association in the north-east had to accept a decline of around two thirds with around 125,000 overnight stays.


The loss could not be compensated by families and individual guests.

"Schools travel outside of the holiday periods and during the week from April to June and from September," said Gedrose.

The popularity in the so-called individual segment indicates that the hostels are proving to be adequate accommodation, especially for families.

"These target groups alone cannot ensure the survival of the company," said the spokeswoman.

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