
Sinsheim (dpa / lsw) - The Lord Mayor of Sinsheim, Jörg Albrecht, was dismayed by the fatal knife attack on a 13-year-old.

"The concern is great, that hits a place in the marrow," said the non-party town hall chief on Thursday.

In his nine years at the top of the city, he has never seen anything as bad.

The 13-year-old was allegedly stabbed to death by a 14-year-old known to the police in Sinsheim on Wednesday.

The district of Eschelbach with 2200 inhabitants, where the crime scene is located, is known for its harmonious coexistence, said Albrecht.

He would express his condolences to the relatives of the slain boy later in the day.

With a view to any fears of parents of schoolchildren or daycare children, Albrecht said: "There is no reason to panic."

The 14-year-old suspect was due to be brought before a judge on Thursday.


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