
Berlin (dpa / bb) - Employees of schools and day-care centers can have themselves tested for Corona free of charge twice a week in some Berlin medical practices until March 11th.

The Senate Department for Education and the Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (KV) Berlin have reached an agreement for this.

"We don't leave the staff in schools, day care centers and day care alone," said school senator Sandra Scheeres (SPD).

The offer is intended as an additional test option.

It is aimed particularly at the staff of schools and daycare centers that have not yet had any training.

It would take a few more days there before the service personnel and specialists could be quickly tested by trained colleagues, it said.

For the free tests in the practices you need an authorization certificate from the school or Kita management.

According to KV Berlin, 200 practices would have registered within a very short time to take part.

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KV Berlin for tests

Corona situation in Berlin

Infection Protection Ordinance