
Munich (dpa / lby) - A vaccination commission for evaluating individual and hardship cases in the corona pandemic started its work in Bavaria on Thursday.

Health Minister Klaus Holetschek (CSU) announced that from next Monday (March 1st) citizens will be able to submit applications for individual assessments.

"The vaccination commission closes a gap in the vaccination strategy," said Holetschek.

"We also look closely at the individual fate of people with rare diseases in order to ensure that the vaccines are distributed fairly and fairly," said the minister.

In future, decisions about bringing forward individual vaccination candidates will be made by an expert committee with five members and chaired by the former head of the Munich Ludwig Maximilians University Hospital, Professor Karl-Walter Jauch.

The commission should also include: Christian Bogdan from the Standing Vaccination Commission (Stiko), Jörg Schelling from the Bavarian Medical Association, the chairwoman of the Bavarian Ethics Council, Susanne Breit-Keßler, and the former president of the Bavarian Constitutional Court, Edda Huther.

"According to the requirements of the Coronavirus Vaccination Ordinance, our vaccination committee can issue medical certificates for classification in the second and third priority group, but not for the highest priority group," said Jauch.

The prioritization of the groups and clinical pictures that have already been defined is also not the task of the commission; there could possibly be leeway in the vaccination centers themselves.


Holetschek hopes that the expertise of the committee members will not only provide the greatest possible vaccination fairness, but also impetus for the vaccination process in general - for example, how it could proceed faster.

Bavaria wants to significantly expand its vaccination capacities by April.

In the 100 vaccination centers, the maximum load is to be increased from 46,000 vaccinations per day to 111,000.

By Thursday, around a million vaccine doses had been administered in Bavaria.

© dpa-infocom, dpa: 210225-99-593358 / 2

Numbers on vaccination in Bavaria

Corona number of cases LGL