
Hamburg (dpa / lno) - Because of the long absence from schools caused by the corona pandemic, Hamburg students can now repeat the grade voluntarily.

The school authorities have lifted the so-called ban on staying seated, which has been in force in the Hanseatic city for years, for this school year.

"After the long school closings, it will not always be possible for students to reconnect with their learning group," said school senator Ties Rabe (SPD) on Wednesday.

Therefore, voluntary grade repetitions should be generously allowed in the coming school year if they are pedagogically meaningful and necessary.

So far, repeating a class has only been possible in exceptional cases, for example in the event of a particularly heavy burden such as a long illness or the divorce of the parents.

This restriction is now removed.

It is generally assumed that the corona pandemic is a major burden.

According to the information, the respective school alone decides whether repeating the school year or staying in class is better for the child or the young person.

This also applies to grade 10. The repetition of a grade in the gymnasiale Oberstufe is not counted towards the length of stay due to the special circumstances in this school year.

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