
Oberstdorf (dpa) - The Japanese Sara Takanashi has won the qualification for the first ski jumping competition at the World Championships in Oberstdorf.

The 24-year-old prevailed on Wednesday evening shortly before the official opening ceremony in front of Marita Kramer from Austria and Ema Klinec from Slovenia.

The German jumpers were not at the front on the normal hill on Schattenberg.

Anna Rupprecht took 15th place as the best athlete from the team of national coach Andreas Bauer.

Local hero Katharina Althaus only jumped to 19th place, but remained “optimistic” for the competition.

In Carina Vogt and Juliane Seyfarth, the other two starters of the German Ski Association also qualified for the jumping on Thursday (5 p.m. / ARD and Eurosport).

© dpa-infocom, dpa: 210224-99-579084 / 2


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