
Bonn (AP) - Former federal judge Thomas Fischer believes the current wave of criticism of the Catholic Church is excessive.

Often it is no longer about arguments and factual questions, but only about emotions, said the lawyer at the German Press Agency.

This also applies in particular to the cover-up allegations against Cardinal Rainer Maria Woelki from Cologne.

Fischer said: "Many people generally settle accounts with the Catholic Church and look for projection surfaces for it."

Woelki has commissioned an expert opinion on how his diocese deals with allegations of abuse, but keeps it under lock and key due to legal concerns.

Instead, he has ordered a new report to be published in mid-March.

The spring plenary assembly of the German Bishops' Conference is currently in session.

The events surrounding Woelki are not officially on the agenda.

Fischer said: "Apparently, his advisors told him that the first report was legally problematic because those affected could file a suit."

The report had been examined by two recognized criminal law professors, and they had made plausible reservations.

"That Woelki then goes over and says," Well, let's create it all over again, "I think that's okay.

I can't see that something is being hushed up at the moment.

That wouldn't work under the given circumstances either. "


The criminal lawyer said there were undisputed cases of abuse of power and sexual assault in the church.

"And of course the education was also inadequate."

However, this also applies to other institutions such as organized sport, education or psychotherapy.

At the moment, however, the discussion is focusing on the Catholic Church and especially Woelki.

«I think: Whenever you deal with morals, you should first look at your own area of ​​responsibility.

It is very easy to concentrate all the indignation on a single character in a heated situation. "

The church is of course fallible, said Fischer, who describes himself as "deeply unbelieving".

The former federal judge added: “Catholic clergymen are no better or worse than other people.

Overall, however, you have to see that the Church has the claim to promote the good in people. "

Unhistorical general accounts are therefore a mistake.

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