
Bad Ems (dpa / lrs) - The corona pandemic led to a historic slump in the number of guests and overnight stays in Rhineland-Palatinate last year.

According to the State Statistical Office, the number of guests fell by almost 40 percent to 6.05 million compared to 2019.

The number of overnight stays fell by around 33 percent to 17.43 million.

The annual statistics presented on Wednesday largely confirm the preliminary figures published two weeks ago.

At the beginning of November, due to the corona pandemic, overnight stays in Germany were only allowed for necessary and expressly not for tourist purposes.

Long-term camping is also prohibited.

The restrictions persist.

Plant closings were also ordered in April 2020.

Even if all tourist regions in Rhineland-Palatinate without exception have recorded declines, these are still different.

The hardest hit was Rheinhessen, where the number of overnight stays and guests fell by around 42 and 49 percent, respectively.

The smallest decreases were in the Mosel-Saar area with a minus of around 26 and 31 percent respectively.


Of the individual businesses, recreation homes, holiday homes and training homes as well as youth hostels were hardest hit, with decreases of 58 to 61 percent in the number of guests and overnight stays.

The decline in hotels was also above average, with a decline of 46 and 42 percent respectively.

Camping tourism, which enjoyed strong growth in the months after the first lockdown in April, also saw a decline in guests of 7.4 percent and overnight stays by 6 percent over the year as a whole.

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