
Berlin (dpa / bb) - In Berlin, up to 45,000 daycare workers and teachers in special schools are to be vaccinated against Corona shortly.

The majority of teachers in general schools, however, have to be patient, as Health Senator Dilek Kalayci and Education Senator Sandra Scheeres (both SPD) announced on Wednesday.

Accordingly, educators and other employees in daycare centers and day care centers as well as teachers at special schools, in which children with handicaps often learn, will soon receive an invitation to vaccinate.

You can then make individual appointments - "usually", as it was called, at the Tegel vaccination center.

There the vaccine is injected by Astrazeneca.

Both senators declared that there was a special urgency for this group of people.

"The vaccinations are voluntary, but I appeal to all entitled to make use of the offer," said Scheeres.

Kalayci pointed out that the vaccine is still very limited and must therefore be offered in a targeted manner.

"Studies have found an increased risk of infection for educators."

Therefore, it will be their turn soon.


Unions have long been demanding quick vaccinations for teachers and educators.

The federal government has now cleared the way for this with a regulation.

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Corona situation in Berlin