A court order to submit tax data to the prosecution has given momentum to an investigation into the former U.S. President Trump.

However, there are also analysis that there are still many obstacles.

CNN said New York State prosecutors have gained considerable strength by securing Trump's tax and financial records, and said the prosecution is expected to secure the record within days.

New York State's Manhattan District Prosecutor's Office launched an investigation into the allegations of former President Trump's so-called ``sex scandal silenced'' in August 2019, and has demanded that Trump individuals and the Trump Group submit tax data for eight years.

It is expected that this will be an important source for determining whether there was a criminal intent, as it may have included documents containing decisions about tax cut attempts and corporate valuation.

Nevertheless, local media predicted that the Trump Group would be divided into dozens of companies, which would take considerable time for prosecutors to review records and match testimony with other documents.

In particular, he added that most felony crimes in New York State have a five-year statute, and that the'fight against time' is the key.

This is to the effect that even if a crime is revealed, there may be situations where the prosecution is blocked by the statute of limitations and cannot be punished.

The Manhattan District Prosecutor's Office is also conducting an investigation into whether Trump has submitted false data to financial institutions by tricking the value of buildings and assets.

(Photo = Getty Image Korea)