
Stuttgart (dpa / lsw) - There is noise in the green-black coalition because of the state's test strategy.

When asked, Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann (Greens) reported a “violent exchange of blows” at the cabinet meeting on Tuesday.

He usually tries to downplay conflicts in the cabinet, but that was a violent exchange of blows.

But even if that was presented in a harsh tone, he saw the conflict as surmountable.

Interior Minister Thomas Strobl (CDU) was angry at the cabinet meeting, according to information from the dpa from government circles, about the lack of progress in the test strategy.

What Health Minister Manne Lucha (Greens) presented is clearly too little.

The Vice-Prime Minister complained that it would have to be tested extensively long ago, especially for people who showed no symptoms.

The establishment of a communal test structure is necessary.

Here, however, the municipalities felt left alone.

It is incomprehensible that nothing more has happened here, although there is sufficient capacity.

Lucha publicly denied Strobl's allegations.

"We are making very good progress," he said on Tuesday in the government press conference.

We welcome the numerous activities of the municipalities.

The state offers the municipalities around three million tests from the state reserve.


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