
Potsdam (dpa / bb) - The tourism figures in Brandenburg fell significantly during the Corona crisis.

A current survey by the Federal Statistical Office shows that around 3.3 million guests came to Brandenburg in 2020.

Compared to 2019, the number of visitors decreased by almost 38 percent.

The number of overnight stays fell by around 28 percent to 10.1 million.

Looking at the individual travel areas, the Dahme Lake District was hit hardest.

According to statisticians, around 302,000 guests arrived there in 2020, 50 percent fewer than in 2019.

The number of overnight stays fell by around 45 percent to around 609,000. The Lusatian Lakeland, on the other hand, suffered the lowest losses.

With around 175,000 guests, the number of last year was only 19 percent below the level of 2019. The number of overnight stays also fell comparatively little by around 7 percent to 592,000.

As in other federal states, overnight stays for tourist purposes were forbidden for several weeks in Brandenburg.


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Figures from the Federal Statistical Office