Is tourism a threat to public health?

Yes, that's what Christian Estrosi, Nice's mayor, said yesterday.

He is elected by the people in a city with the highest proportion of covid-infected people in France: three times higher than the national average.

- We look forward to receiving tourists here this summer, when we won this battle.

But right now there comes a time when we have to say: Not right now, said Estrosi.

The mayor of Nice added that the influx of people to the Riviera is a contributing factor to problems in intensive care in Nice:

- We had too many flights here between Christmas and New Year.

There were 20 planes that landed here on December 20 and we went from 20 to 120 flights a day from the English-speaking countries, Scandinavia, the United Arab Emirates and Russia.

We would not have accepted that.

Airport tests 

Today, Estrosi was heard by the French government, which imposed special measures against Covid along the entire French Riviera, from Menton in the west to Théoule-sur-mer in the west of Cannes. 

It will be mandatory to wear a face mask everywhere, a curfew will be introduced on weekends between 18 and 06, with the exception of one hour of sports, walks and shopping for food.

Others must bring a permit to go out.

Larger shopping centers are closing down but have the right to sell online. 

Alcohol consumption in public places is prohibited and aircraft passengers may need to be covid-tested on arrival at Riviera airports. 

This is the first time that temporary regional closures have been introduced in France.

The measures affecting the Riviera enter into force immediately and apply primarily for two weeks.