
Düsseldorf (dpa) - The corona crisis has plunged many clinics in NRW into an existential crisis.

In January alone, there was an income deficit of more than 370 million euros, as the hospital company reported on Monday.

The revenues and the occupancy of the beds have fallen by more than a fifth.

"Despite all the warnings, the federal government still refuses to provide hospitals with reliable coverage for the pandemic-related loss of revenue," criticized the President of the North Rhine-Westphalia Hospital Association, Jochen Brink.

The Federal Ministry of Health has only announced a short-term extension of the compensation payments until April 11.

This only helps clinics in regions with an incidence value of over 70 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in seven days.

This currently applies to 16 of the 53 districts and cities in North Rhine-Westphalia.

Losses, which up to now could be largely compensated by compensation payments, will in future have a full impact on the individual houses.

Brink demanded that the hospitals quickly need a reliable commitment for a real rescue package for the entire year 2021.

"Because the economic consequences of the pandemic will keep us busy for a long time, and normalization will be a long time coming."

Postponed, plannable interventions, the reluctance of patients, the illness or necessary quarantine of employees as well as the increased hygiene requirements mean that enormous revenue losses can be expected for the coming months.


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