When the second corona wave reached its peak in Uppsala County in December, 20 covid patients were in the central intensive care unit and for several weeks more than 100 corona-infected people needed daily care.

Then, from mid-January, enrollments fell slowly but surely.

Today, the latter patient group is more than halved in number and on Monday, one person was cared for at Akademiska's intensive care unit. 

- It looks relatively good.

With it goes up and down.

Initially, we saw a rapid downward trend, with fewer patients seeking care and more being discharged, but in recent weeks we have been on a plateau, says Anna-Karin Lidström.

However, the fact that fewer patients are being cared for for covid-19 does not mean that the pressure on healthcare has decreased significantly.

- Regarding covid care, it has calmed down, but at the hospital in general, there is unchanged high pressure.

It is not the case that we have empty places now, but where corona patients were previously cared for, people with other ailments are now cared for, says Anna-Karin Lidström.

The number of covid patients has halved in the last month - can you breathe out now?

- No absolutely not.

We see what it looks like in other regions where there has recently been an increase again.

And we also know that there are mutated virus strains that mean a faster spread of infection.

That's worrying.

In the clip above, Anna-Karin Lidström talks about the pressure on healthcare.