
Rahden (dpa / lnw) - With an accomplice instead of a stolen safe in the hold, a burglar with a delivery truck fled headlong from the police.

According to the police on Monday, he and two accomplices stole the safe of a supermarket in Rahden in the Minden-Lübbecke district.

Shortly thereafter, however, the gang was caught by the police.

While a 28-year-old was arrested at the supermarket, one of the men sped away in the van.

The safe and burglary tools slipped out of the hold - instead, a 25-year-old got in quickly and drove in the back on Sunday night.

The driver drove over hill and dale through several villages before the van got stuck on a forest path in Espelkamp.

The 25-year-old was shaken properly on the loading area and was slightly injured, as the officials said.

He was arrested.

Initially, there was no trace of the driver, and a police helicopter was now looking for him.

© dpa-infocom, dpa: 210222-99-545447 / 2


Notification from the police with handout picture