
Stuttgart (dpa / lsw) - Minister of Education Susanne Eisenmann (CDU) has welcomed the fact that educators and teachers should be vaccinated against the corona virus earlier than originally planned.

The CDU politician announced on Monday in Stuttgart that they were performing a “central social task”, which is why this measure made sense.

"Early vaccination is also important in terms of a return to full classroom teaching, which is of enormous importance for the students."

Health Minister Manne Lucha (Greens) had previously stated that educators and teachers could make appointments for a corona vaccination from this Monday on.

This can be done via the 116 117 hotline and the www.impfterminservice.de portal.

The federal and state health ministers want to decide this Monday that teachers will be grouped into the second priority level in the future.

Then the corona vaccination ordinance would have to be changed.

People from this second priority level between the ages of 18 and 64 are expected to be vaccinated from early or mid-March.


The earlier vaccination of educators is made possible above all by the wide availability of the vaccine from Astrazeneca.

This will now also be used in the country's vaccination centers, said Lucha.

By mid-March, Baden-Württemberg is to receive around 450,000 cans.

As a result, every person eligible for vaccination from the first priority level should be offered a vaccination appointment in the south-west.

A spokeswoman for Lucha said the 450,000 doses are to be used primarily for primary vaccination.

The second vaccination should take place at Astrazeneca after nine weeks at the earliest.

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Communication from the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Health