
Potsdam (dpa / bb) - According to the plans of the state government, the corona vaccinations in Brandenburg are to be increased significantly in view of more vaccines from the manufacturer Astrazeneca.

"The vaccination must pick up speed in Brandenburg and also in all of Germany," said Health Minister Ursula Nonnemacher (Greens) on Monday in Potsdam.

Anyone under 65 years of age who has a serious lung, kidney or psyche disease or is a diabetic should be able to get an early vaccination appointment via a special telephone number.

The number should be found on the website www.brandenburg-impft.de in the future.

Before a conference of the federal and state health ministers, Nonnemacher also advocated bringing forward the vaccinations of daycare educators and primary school teachers.

Online appointments are planned in Brandenburg from the end of this week.

The Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians wanted to wait for the health ministers' conference to answer the question for which group of people this applies.

In addition, all over 80-year-olds who have not yet been vaccinated will receive mail starting this week with information on how to make a vaccination appointment via a special number.

As of this week, the catch-up appointments for around 9,000 over 80-year-olds, whose appointment had initially been canceled, should be set.

A model test for vaccination in medical practices will also start in March.


The Minister rejected reservations about the Astrazeneca preparation.

"There are no serious threatening side effects recorded," she said.

According to State Secretary for Health Michael Ranft, the start of the vaccination was initially disappointing, but demand is now increasing.

The Standing Vaccination Commission only recommended Astrazeneca's vaccine for people under 65 due to lack of data for older people.

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