
Dessau / Roßlau (dpa / sa) - The male-dominated electoral lists of the CDU Saxony-Anhalt have brought the state association a lot of criticism - also from its own ranks.

Schleswig-Holstein's CDU education minister, Karin Prien, wrote on Twitter that the state list of party friends in Saxony-Anhalt for the federal election with only one woman and eight men was “not a reason to beat yourself on your chest, but rather an indictment of equality”.

The former CDU general secretary Ruprecht Polenz called the list for the federal election and the list for the state election, on which there is only one woman in the first ten places, "crass".

Such “pure men lists” should be publicly criticized and are an argument for “that the CDU is finally introducing a quota for women”, tweeted Polenz.

On Sunday he referred to the regional association of the CDU Rhineland-Palatinate.

There are five women running for the first ten places in the state election.

Even before the list elections on Saturday, there had been sharp criticism of the imbalance in the proposals of the state executive, including from the federal chairwoman of the women's union, Annette Widmann-Mauz.

The state chairwoman of the CDU women's association, Sabine Wölfer, had campaigned for a more balanced list.

At the party congress in Dessau-Roßlau, Wölfer himself failed with an application for tenth place on the list for the federal election, which was ultimately not filled.


At a party congress on Saturday, Prime Minister Reiner Haseloff was elected the top candidate for the state elections in June and placed first on the list for the federal election to Heike Brehmer, member of the Bundestag.

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