
Potsdam (dpa / bb) - Brandenburg's Minister of Health Ursula Nonnemacher (Greens) has clearly rejected criticism of the state's vaccination strategy.

She is very angry about the term "vaccination chaos", the minister told the newspapers "Lausitzer Rundschau" and "Märkische Oderzeitung" (Saturday edition).

Since the overloaded vaccination hotline at the beginning of January, the entire vaccination campaign has been permanently put in a "bad light".

“It wasn't chaotic.

I reject that, ”said Nonnemacher in the interview.

It was clear that vaccines would initially not be available in sufficient quantities.

Nevertheless, enormous expectations were stoked, the minister said.

"In this long lockdown, an expectation of salvation was raised that could not be fulfilled."

In their opinion, the state has to cope with a huge logistical project in which 3.5 million vaccinations are to be carried out in Brandenburg by the end of September.

"For this we have to give 440,000 vaccinations a month in April and 520,000 vaccinations from May."

It is a “huge tanker”, from making appointments to transporting it to participating doctors - it cannot even be changed quickly.


In the meantime, the willingness to vaccinate in Brandenburg has increased week by week.

In all federal states one has to struggle with problems.

Nonnemacher: "It didn't go any worse here than anywhere else."

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