
Halle (dpa / sa) - Of all the accommodation providers in Saxony-Anhalt, the campsites alone had more guests in 2020 than in the previous year.

The State Statistical Office announced on Friday in Halle that 9.2 percent more guest arrivals and 23.9 percent more overnight stays were counted there than in 2019.

All other modes of operation have lagged far behind the previous year's result.

The youth hostels and huts were badly affected, with a decline of 63.5 percent for guests and 62.4 percent for overnight stays.

The hotel industry, which has the largest market share in tourism, reported 39.8 percent fewer guest arrivals and 35.5 percent fewer overnight stays.

The statistics include the numbers of accommodation establishments with ten or more beds and campsites with ten or more parking spaces.

In total, around 5.97 million overnight stays were registered in Saxony-Anhalt in 2020, 30.9 percent less than in the previous year.

There were 2.23 million guest arrivals, which was a decrease of 38 percent.

According to the statisticians, the stable growth trend since 2014 due to the corona pandemic was interrupted with the lockdowns.

For the first time in 15 years, the number of overnight stays fell below the six million mark.


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Press release from the State Statistical Office of Saxony-Anhalt