China News Agency, United Nations, February 19th. The United Nations Foundation and the United Nations Association of the United Nations held an online event on the 19th to welcome the United States to formally rejoin the "Paris Agreement" that day.

United Nations Secretary-General Guterres and the US President’s special envoy on climate issues and former Secretary of State John Kerry attended the meeting.

  In June 2017, former US President Trump announced his withdrawal from the Paris Agreement; on November 4, 2020, the United States officially withdrew.

US President Biden signed an executive order on the day of his inauguration on January 20 this year, announcing that the United States will return to the "Paris Agreement" and begin the 30-day process of rejoining the "Paris Agreement."

  Guterres said that the absence of key participants in the past four years has left the "Paris Agreement" blank, and this missing link has weakened the entire agreement.

Therefore, as we celebrate the return of the United States today, we are also celebrating the reintegration of the "Paris Agreement" into a whole as envisioned by its founders, "Welcome back."

  Guterres said that the "Paris Agreement" is an important achievement of historical significance, but the commitments made so far are still not enough to reverse the climate crisis, and these commitments have not been fulfilled.

He said that the past six years were the hottest six years since mankind has weather records.

Carbon dioxide emissions hit a new high.

Fires, floods and other extreme weather events are increasing all over the world.

If it does not change its course immediately, mankind may face the catastrophic consequences of a temperature rise of more than 3 degrees Celsius in this century.

  Guterres said that the 26th Conference of the Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change to be held in Glasgow, UK in November will be a key meeting. The decisions made by governments will determine the future of mankind and the planet.

He said that the "Paris Agreement" is "a covenant between us and future generations and the entire human family."

  Kerry said that the United States returned to the Paris Agreement with humility and ambition.

He said that although the previous president allowed the United States to withdraw from the "Paris Agreement", the vast majority of Americans have always been committed to fulfilling the goals of the "Paris Agreement."

Countries around the world must jointly raise requirements and jointly set more ambitious goals, "otherwise we will fail together."

  In April 2016, the then US Secretary of State Kerry took his two-year-old granddaughter and signed the Paris Agreement in the United Nations General Assembly Hall at the United Nations headquarters.
