
Goslar (dpa / lni) - Despite the snowmelt, the Goslar district still sees no risk of flooding.

"The water levels of the rivers are currently in the green," said spokesman Maximilian Strache.

Of course, the district is watching the situation, just like the Lower Saxony State Agency for Water Management, Coastal and Nature Conservation (NWLKN).

However, most of the rivers in the Goslar district are regulated by dams.

«The average filling level of the dams is just over 50 percent.

A lot of condensation can still be collected there, ”said Strache.

Also in the Seesen area, where floods raged in 2017, there is currently no risk of flooding.

In many places, most of the snow has already melted.

“When I looked out of my office window at the green space last week, there was 60 to 70 centimeters of snow.

Now there's nothing left, ”said Strache.

In the city of Goslar, the clearance services had collected the snow masses of the past weeks in several piles - also in the city center.

Experts had looked at it and found that the sewer system could absorb the water.


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