
Würzburg (dpa) - open water national trainer Stefan Lurz is no longer in office after allegations of abuse.

In a “Spiegel” report, the 43-year-old is accused of sexual violence against young swimmers.

The coach was initially not available for comment on Friday.

In the “Main-Post” and “Spiegel”, however, he denies the allegations.

He told the "Main-Post" that he had resigned himself from his position "to avert further damage to the image of the German Swimming Association."

The public prosecutor's office, which was informed by the DSV, did not initially give an opinion.

The resignation of Lurz, who celebrated numerous successes with his open water swimmers in title fights, confirmed the DSV - without bringing the Würzburger in connection with the allegations.

The association had previously responded to the allegations of the «Spiegel» in another statement.

"According to our guidelines, the suspect was given an immediate leave of absence in suspected cases, without carrying out a preliminary conviction," it said, and no person is named.

According to DSV, the commissioner for the prevention of sexualised violence, Franka Weber, established contact with a suspected victim and offered both an offer to talk and direct help.

The new information for the incumbent board was immediately handed over to the public prosecutor, said the DSV.

“Every case of sexual violence is one case too many.

The DSV reacts immediately and comprehensively to suspected cases. "


The DSV also published the reply to “Spiegel” signed by President Marco Troll and Weber.

The news magazine cites an anonymous athlete and, according to its own statements, can "document further cases in which the national coach harassed or even sexually coerced his protégés".

An active swimmer from the previous Lurz team contradicts the allegations in the report.

About ten years ago, investigations against Lurz were suspended after suspected abuse.

He had always denied the allegations.

© dpa-infocom, dpa: 210219-99-516432 / 2


Reaction of the German Swimming Association

Resignation Lurz

SV Wurzburg


Main Post report (payment barrier)

Report Spiegel (payment barrier)