
Selb / Rosenheim (dpa / lby) - The traffic situation on the Bavarian borders with the Czech Republic and Austria remained largely relaxed on Friday morning - despite the Corona entry rules.

"We hardly had any traffic jams," said a spokesman for the Federal Police in Rosenheim about the situation on the border with Austria.

"However, for a few hundred meters we have slow traffic with the trucks."

There are also no longer waiting times at the border crossing to the Czech Republic.

"The traffic situation is relaxed," said a spokesman for the federal police in Selb.

Occasionally, cross-border commuters are turned away.

According to the new requirements due to the corona pandemic, since Sunday only Germans, foreigners with a residence and residence permit in Germany, seasonal agricultural workers and health workers have been allowed to enter Austria from the Czech Republic and from large parts of Tyrol.

There are also exceptions for family reasons.

The Czech Republic and Tyrol are so-called virus mutation areas, where a more contagious variant of the pathogen is rampant.


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