
Stuttgart (dpa / lsw) - Because the corona pandemic severely affects teaching at schools in the state, the Ministry of Culture has adjusted the conditions for final exams.

Students should have more time and choice in the exam and be able to prepare longer, as a spokeswoman for the ministry in Stuttgart announced on Friday.

"We use all possibilities for fair examination conditions and are expanding all possible leeway in the interests of the prospective graduates," said Culture Minister Susanne Eisenmann (CDU) according to a spokeswoman for the changes.

The processing time for final exams at all secondary and vocational schools is to be extended by 30 minutes if the total processing time was 180 minutes or longer.

For shorter exams, there should be an extension of 15 minutes.

In addition, teachers should be offered more pre-selection tasks for all written exams.

The Institute for Educational Analysis Baden-Württemberg was commissioned to critically examine the extent and difficulty of the examination tasks that had already been created in view of the “pandemic-related special situation”.

By postponing the exam dates, pupils should also have two to three weeks more time to prepare, depending on the type of school.

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Communication from the Ministry of Culture