During a meeting on 21 January 2021, the politicians who sit on the regional council for the Moderates in Blekinge met to discuss, among other things, the confidence in the regional councilor Emma Stjernlöf - who was internally accused of cooperation difficulties and called on to resign.

After the meeting, Stjernlöf chose to report a party friend to the police, which Sydöstran was the first to tell.

For SVT Nyheter Blekinge, Emma Sjernlöf develops the underlying reason why she reported to the police:

- I have done it because I felt that at the meeting they talked about what I had said to my doctor.

This is information that is not available anywhere other than in a patient record or in a doctor's statement.

And both of those documents are confidential.

Emma Sternlöf does not want to say who read out the sensitive information, but SVT experiences that it is about the party colleague having referred to information that was in a medical certificate that was submitted as a basis in connection with Stjernlöf's sick leave.

Lacks confidence

On Thursday evening, the Moderates had a meeting in the regional group and it then emerged that a majority lacks confidence in Emma Stjernlöf.

When SVT Nyheter Blekinge reaches Stjernlöf on Friday morning, she is noticeably affected by the situation.

- I am completely desperate and very sad.

I still have not figured out what the basics are and what this is due to.

The only conclusion I can draw is that I am a young woman with small children and that it should obviously not be possible to combine with a political mission.

Can you develop it?

- It is difficult to go into it, because today I am quite upset and sad.

It has been a complaint if I had to leave work at 17 to pick up my daughter when leisure closes at 17:30.

Then there have been sharp views on it.

How would you describe the way you have been treated?

- Pure harassment.

Witch hunt.


This is terrible.

This is one of the worst I've ever been through.

What are you going to do now?

- I do not know.

I have to gather.

But I received a huge amount of support from my constituents and today I am drowning in messages.

I want to stand up for all those who believed in me and who voted for me in the election.

I want to be able to complete my mission.

So at the moment you do not feel that you will resign after this?

- No.

SVT Nyheter Blekinge is looking for the district's chairman Roger Fredriksson and the regional council and group leader Lennarth Förberg for comments.