As a 25-year-old, Jasmina, as we call her, started working in a massage brothel in Austria.

Some time later she ended up in Stockholm and here she continued to sell sex.

She says that the job tore hard on the psyche.

- Prostitution suited me well because it kept me away from people.

I had no contact with anyone and I had no feelings but you can not live too long without feeling anything.

Support organization: "Men must stop being silent"

The support organization Talita is looking for people who are in prostitution.

According to the organization's founder Anna Sander, more than 40 people have been part of Talita's rehabilitation program, which includes sheltered housing, talk therapy and future planning since 2012.

- After all, the vast majority of men are not sex buyers and very many agree that it is wrong to pay to gain access to another person's body.

They must dare to raise their voices and say what they stand for.

If men were not so quiet all the time, we would have come so much further, she says.

Hear Jasmina talk about life as a prostitute in the video