
Stuttgart (AP) - VfB Stuttgart can again rely on captain Gonzalo Castro in the away game at 1. FC Köln on Saturday (3:30 p.m. / Sky).

After surviving a torn muscle, the 33-year-old is ready to go again, as is Daniel Didavi, who was last ailing, as VfB coach Pellegrino Matarazzo said on Thursday.

Defender Marc Oliver Kempf is also fit again after his cold break.

"I expect an opponent who is in good shape," said Matarazzo of the Cologne team.

"Keeping Cologne at a distance is not unimportant."

The American confirmed that he is about to extend his contract with the Swabian Bundesliga club until 2024.

“We're relatively far, but if it's not official yet, you shouldn't congratulate yet.

But we're on the right track, ”said the 43-year-old.

"I feel very comfortable at VfB and can identify 100 percent with the task."

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VfB Stuttgart squad