
Munich (dpa / lby) - Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) wants to take part in a video conference with Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) and the Bavarian district administrators and mayors today.

The focus should be on the further fight against the corona virus.

On the one hand, according to Söder, the local politicians should learn firsthand how Merkel assesses the current situation, how she sees the danger from the virus mutations and what further developments in the fight against Corona could look like.

On the other hand, it should also be about very specific needs of the municipalities.

In his own words, Söder expects a very open debate.

In fact, several district administrators and mayors called for course corrections in the anti-corona policy before the video switch;

Among other things, clearer opening perspectives and an orientation no longer just to seven-day incidence values.

Above all, municipalities with consistently low corona infection numbers want faster lockdown loosening, especially for retailers.

On Wednesday, Söder had sketched a rough step-by-step plan for further openings in Bavaria: first nurseries and a relaxation of the contact rules, then retail, then sport and culture.

However, he did not give any dates for this - but neither did any new incidence thresholds below 35. However, gastronomy and tourism in particular still have to be patient.

It is also open if pupils from grade five can go back to their schools.


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