A sanitary napkin.




To fight against “menstrual precariousness”, periodic protections will be distributed free of charge in schools in New Zealand, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announced Thursday.

According to a study, one in 12 teenage girls does not go to school during her period due to lack of access to women's protections, said Jacinda Ardern.

“Young people should not miss their education because of something normal for half of the population,” said the Prime Minister.

New Zealand in Scotland's footsteps

"Providing free protections at school is one way for the government to directly tackle poverty, help increase school attendance rates and have a beneficial effect on the well-being of children."

The program will start in June and will cost around 25 million New Zealand dollars (15 million euros) over three years.

She explained that it follows a pilot project that last year enabled students to become more involved in their studies and achieve better academic results.

"Menstrual insecurity" affects women who cannot afford sanitary napkins, tampons and pain medication.

Last year, Scotland became the first nation in the world to provide privacy in all public buildings.


Menstrual insecurity: How do you do when you don't have enough to buy pads and tampons?


Budget 2021: Five million euros to fight against menstrual insecurity

  • Women

  • Jacinda Ardern

  • school

  • Rules

  • New Zealand

  • World